In response to one request to see my studio, as we’ve hit the 1000 subscribers point, here it is!
At a future point I’ll give you a guide of the art on the walls, but in the meantime, here’s one of my bookshelves, and the one I refer to most frequently…
There was a second request to talk about tools!
So my main weapon of choice, after I’ve pencilled (any pencil will do. I tend to use HB) is the wonderful Pentel pocket brushpen. It’s a brush that takes ink cartridges, so you don’t have to dip it. I’ve been using them since my friend Jon McPherson, then a Pentel rep, gave me one around 1992. I love them.
After the main bulk of the inking is done, I’ll finish off with a Pigma Micron.
Last of all I take the scanned pages into Photoshop to clean them up, sometimes rethink the page layout, and do any ‘fixes’ needed in the drawing.
Thanks for visiting!
That bookshelf is fascinating!
Love seeing McGinnis and Bama on that shelf.