Jun 14Liked by Liam Sharp


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Reading this again (it's been a while) I realized it owed lot to Alfred Bester's 'The Stars My Destination', in that Greg is put into a cell in the hope that he might find a way out through the Kiazmus, much like Bester's 'jaunting', except it leads to a pathway that connects planets. To the casual reader it's almost certainly too obscure for that to be the clear read, but a careful read with some background knowledge? That aught to do the trick! Thank you for reading my obscure old works, Gide!

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Jun 14Liked by Liam Sharp

So des. I'll approach again with that. (Bester will have had no idea just how influence this story would have. It was the stone in the pond of sf that rippled out as 1960s New Wave and much of sf since.)

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