'The idea that we can take this lump of clay and mold it into a form of our choosing is absolutely ludicrous.' Ross W. Greene
Every other week or so I’ve had the genuine pleasure of getting my hands properly dirty with some clay. It’s been an absolute tonic!
Our neighbour, Mary, is an amazing potter. Seeing her throw clay on the wheel is near to magical, and her handle on the material seems to defy gravity. It’s wonderful to watch! I’ve not been throwing - this time! - but I have been sculpting.
This is from three sessions of two hours each. I still have a bit of refining - the ear isn’t finished - and then it has to go in the kiln and be glazed, but I think he’s coming along nicely! The plan is to grow plants in him when he’s done. Likely a bit of decorative fake ivy with finish him off too.
I’ve not sculpted for getting on for 30 years, and I had forgotten quite how much I enjoy it! Just to have a couple of hours to switch off the brain, and do something new. I highly recommend it!
WOW, WHAT A MUG ON THAT CLAY-MATE!! He seems huggable, and misunderstood!
love it, and am a bit envious of the clay space, good on you!
Jenn Frix NYC
Decades ago a good friend taught me to throw pottery on a wheel he had in his apartment. I still remember the feeling of intense focus I had. I didn't do it enough to become *good* at it, but I do remember the feeling of intense focus.