WOW, WHAT A MUG ON THAT CLAY-MATE!! He seems huggable, and misunderstood!

love it, and am a bit envious of the clay space, good on you!

Jenn Frix NYC

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Oh, he's definitely huggable! :-)

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Decades ago a good friend taught me to throw pottery on a wheel he had in his apartment. I still remember the feeling of intense focus I had. I didn't do it enough to become *good* at it, but I do remember the feeling of intense focus.

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I threw my first pot in decades last night! And yes, intense focus is right, but I found it relaxing too - if that makes sense? No room to dwell on the stresses of life. :-)

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That's very cool!!!

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Cheers, Gary! :-)

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Lovely. Cheers for that, Gide! :-)

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